Thursday 22 August 2024


 Next activity:25th August - Brogo Walk - see program

15th - 19th August

This very scenic multi-day walk was undertaken as a very civilised base-camp staying at the Murramarang Beach Front Caravan Park. This elminated the need for carrying heavy packs and ensured hot showers along with warm comfy beds for the less hardy of the group.

The 34km walk, with a few side explorations and an out-of-curosity back track, was tackled over three days. The longest day was the first day, starting at Pretty Beach and finished back at the base camp at South Durras. The easier second day started at the base camp and finished at Richmond Beach. The third day then rejoined the walk at Richmond Beach to the southern end of the walk at Maloneys Beach. The route wound its way along undulating tracks through some amazingly beautiful coastal forests, into palm-filled gullies, along fire-trails, over rock platforms and along several beaches. Particularly memorable were the magnificient spotted gum forests often with a considerable understorey of Burrawang cycads, a pair of very protective plovers (lapwings) at Depot Beach, a very slippery section of rock which was like ice and a particularly long section of beach, past Durras Lake, on some soft sand towards the end of the first day. All part of the fun!

To round things off, an additional walk was undertaken along the Bingi Dreaming Track, from Congo to Bingi Bingi Point. This was another extremely beautiful coastal walk with some outstanding coastal rock formations. The final cherry on the cake was a breaching whale as lunch was enjoyed at the end of the walk. 

Thanks to Jeff for leading the trip and also to Jeff, Dianne, Olivia and Graeme for the car shuffles that enabled it all to happen.