Monday 23 September 2024


 Next activity: Sunrise Walk Tathra - 20th October - see program

22nd September

The group returned to Bournda National Park to walk in the area to the south of Wallagoot Lake. From Scotts Bay, the long, steep climb up towards the Bournda Trig Was tackled. At the high pont of the walk some settled down for morning. Several walkers, however, continued a short way up the track to check out the trig. They then headed down though the fiekd studies camp, via the rocky out crop overlooking Bournda Lagoon, to Bournda Beach. After liunch the group carried on to skirt Bondi Lake, on through Hobart Beach Campgound and back to Scotts Bay. Wildlife was a feature of the day. A whistling kite soared overhead during lunch and a shy echnida was only spotted by a lucky couple of tail-enders. Most memorable were two red-bellied black snakes on the path which whose appearance caused Mark to breakout in some fancy dance moves in surprise! Another most enjoyable walk on a beautiful spring day.

Thanks to the leaders of the day, mark and Marie.

Monday 9 September 2024


 Next activity: Bournda - 22nd September - see program

8th September

East Mogareeka proved to be a fun and highly varied walk on a most beautiful spring day. Highlights included: the flowering rock orchids up on the cliffs of Salt Water Lagoon as the group skirted the edge; a visit was made to Baronda (also known as Yencken House and gifted to National Parks by Peter Yencken); the fabulous views of Nelson Bay; lunch on secluded Paspalam Point Beach and exploring the remaining evidence of the old Ford Farm. The walk took the group, along the edge of the lagoon, along dirt roads and tracks and off-track including some challenging climbs and negotiating some more bushy areas. However, most fun of all was the rope climb down to, amd back up from Paspalum Point Beach. A great day!

Thanks to Robert for leading and providing interesting historical insights..

Sunday 25 August 2024


 Next activity: East Mogareeka Walk - 8th September

25th August 2024

This moderate/hard walk was on a fabulosly scenic Brogo private property. The steeply hilly route was highly varied: across paddocks, through massive granite boulder fields, into open woodland and more dense bushland, along the delightful Brogo River and down a boulder filled gorge. Appropriately for a walk led by a geologist, the rocks were a focus of attention. Rock orchids were spectacularly in bloom, many of the boulders were spectacularly entangled with ancient figs, some formed a 'room' decorated by one of these figs, and one boulder appeared to be kissing a neighbouring gum. In addition, negotiating the boulder filled gorge, to a part known as 'the slit', provided some challenging going. The walk was only estimated to be around 7km but it was filled with great diversity.

Thanks to our leader of the day, Jeff and to the owners of the property.

Thursday 22 August 2024


 Next activity:25th August - Brogo Walk - see program

15th - 19th August

This very scenic multi-day walk was undertaken as a very civilised base-camp staying at the Murramarang Beach Front Caravan Park. This elminated the need for carrying heavy packs and ensured hot showers along with warm comfy beds for the less hardy of the group.

The 34km walk, with a few side explorations and an out-of-curosity back track, was tackled over three days. The longest day was the first day, starting at Pretty Beach and finished back at the base camp at South Durras. The easier second day started at the base camp and finished at Richmond Beach. The third day then rejoined the walk at Richmond Beach to the southern end of the walk at Maloneys Beach. The route wound its way along undulating tracks through some amazingly beautiful coastal forests, into palm-filled gullies, along fire-trails, over rock platforms and along several beaches. Particularly memorable were the magnificient spotted gum forests often with a considerable understorey of Burrawang cycads, a pair of very protective plovers (lapwings) at Depot Beach, a very slippery section of rock which was like ice and a particularly long section of beach, past Durras Lake, on some soft sand towards the end of the first day. All part of the fun!

To round things off, an additional walk was undertaken along the Bingi Dreaming Track, from Congo to Bingi Bingi Point. This was another extremely beautiful coastal walk with some outstanding coastal rock formations. The final cherry on the cake was a breaching whale as lunch was enjoyed at the end of the walk. 

Thanks to Jeff for leading the trip and also to Jeff, Dianne, Olivia and Graeme for the car shuffles that enabled it all to happen.

Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Next activity: 15th to 19th August, Murramurang South Coast Walk - see program

4th August

The weather gods were on our side once again for the walk postponed from March. The walk had to be rescheduled because of control burning in the area at that time. The fire activity was evident throughout the walk, with much of the undergrowth having been cleared. Some features, previously overlooked, became apparent with the more open vegetation. The magnificence of this forested area, south of Pambula, was still apparent. The route visited a number of the old mine workings left from the goldrush around the turn of 19th Century into the 20th. Our walkers reflected on what the area would have been like during these times and marvelled at the depth and size of some of the workings.  

Thanks to leaders Donna and Dianne and also to Jeff for interesting historical information.

Tuesday 30 July 2024


Next Activity: 4th August Pambula Goldfields- see program

24th-26th July

Due to challenging weather conditions, Thursday's activity was changed to a walk instead of snow shoeing. After a morning coffee around a cosy fire overlooking Crackenback Lake the group set off from Bullocks Flat on a beautiful walk through snowgum forests along the banks of Thredbo River. After morning tea they encountered snow on the track and then after some time the weather began to close in and the decision was made to turn back. Then it began to rain and by the time they had returned to Crackenback everyone was pleased to change into warm dry clothes and to retire to Jo's for welcome hot drinks, schnapps (thanks Fran) and chocolate.

Friday dawned clear and fine with lovely blue skies. After another morning coffee around the fire to allow the overnight ice topped snow to soften a little, the hardy group then headed off to Cascades car park. From there they snowshoed up and up through stunning scenery of trees and granite tors and enjoyed views of ranges near and far. The conditions were excellent and a wonderful day was enjoyed by all.

The accommodation at Buckley Crossing Dalgety was comfy and inviting and everyone enjoyed dinners together at the end of each day.

Thanks to the leader of the event, Jo - awesome effort.

Tuesday 16 July 2024


Next activity: 24th-26th July Snowshoeing - see program

14th July

This activity provided the opportunity to rake part in a shorter walk in our beautiful Bournda National Park. The group headed out along the Sandy Creek Track in the morning. They braved the ,oh so cold. water crossing, stopped for morning tea overlooking the creek and Bournda Lagoon, before returning to the cars parked at North Tura Beach. Around two-thrids of the party continued on the second part of the walk in the afternoon: a loop out to Dolphin Cove. Both part of the walk took the group through magnificient forest and had plenty of opportunites for spectacular ocean views with some wild surf.

Thanks to leader of the day, Donna, and original walk planner, Helen.